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Ward describes the character as somebody who just wanted to be liked and accepted. The Power Infused Gary Coleman Autobiography can shoot out green flaming Gary heads that seek out the neariest target), Size Manipulation with Ensmallen Cure and leprechaun (Can shrink people if injected.

Is your profile picture a furrified Postal Dude Jr.

Ward said that he did not base his performance as Postal Dude on the video game renditions as he never played them, but on the script. In POSTAL 4 he drives a Mobility Scooter), Possibly Extrasensory Perception with with Bass Sniffer and Game Cartridges (CHOMPY can be used to kill any amount of targets for a limited amount of time. Postal 2 was re-released on Steam after being green-lit by the community in November 2nd, 2012. also known as Postal Dude is the main character in the video game series Postal along with the upcoming movie Postal (film). The game has the character engage in politics as he has gone out and voted and passed a petition around town. Tier: 9-A physically, 9-C to 9-A with weapons | 9-A physically, 9-C to 9-A with weapons, Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Mastery (Is a skilled marksman), Skilled Close Combat Fighter, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Urine Manipulation (Can urinate when ever he pleases), Toon Force (Can throw his machete like a boomerang. Postal Dudes family mostly makes up of Postal Dude's Bitch and his Uncle Dave who has a compound outside of Paradise. ) The Postal Dude goes to the Cemetery to urinate on his father's tomb, but after doing so, he is knocked down by a group of Rednecks who take him to the … All 6,623,515,067 People on Earth - Died when all the world's nukes were launched, fired by Osama bin Laden and George Bush Jr, minus those already counted. Character Outlives Actor: the real Champ, Vince Desi 's dog, passed away in 2011 cancer.

That Postal Dude in the first was actually Postal 2 Dude's father.